The Company: Get to know us
EMS was founded in 1981 in the Swiss Vallée de Joux and is the leading manufacturer of medical devices for dental and pain therapy. EMS headquarters are located in Nyon, Switzerland with operations in over 25 countries including Australia. The EMS philosophy is absolute perfection, and this philosophy is lived and breathed every day amongst the 900 qualified and specialised EMS employees globally.

EMS are the creators of Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT), the game changer in professional dental prevention and maintenance. The aim of GBT is to remove plaque completely and move away from the traditional methods of plaque removal with hand instruments and abrasive pastes that can damage the dentine and enamel. GBT is gentle, safe, clinically proven and efficient. In 8 steps, patients get diagnosed, motivated and treated pain-free. GBT guarantees a spa-like experience whilst delivering best-in-class results.

Guided DolorClast® Therapy (GDT) is a safe, clinically proven non-surgical and non-invasive treatment protocol for 90% of all musculoskeletal disorders. Through a simple 6-step treatment plan, GDT assesses the patients’ pathology, treats it with DolorClast® Radial Shockwave Therapy (or Focused Shockwaves) and/or DolorClast® High-Power Laser and combines it with prescribed rehabilitation exercises to guide patients towards recovery. No surgery = no downtime, no injections = no complications, no pain medications = no possibility of dependency. Guided DolorClast® Therapy activates the self-healing process where pain occurs.
As a result, GDT:
> Tackles pain within 5 minutes
> Reduces the inflammation from the 1st session
> Repairs damaged muscle fibers and tendons
> Stimulates cartilage and bone healing
Happy and healthy patients, successful clinicians and passionate partners, this is our mission. We deliver innovative and clinically proven treatment outcomes in the least invasive way. We are committed to fostering knowledge and skills by training and educating healthcare professionals, partners and employees.
Guided Biofilm Therapy: EMS is the leader in dental prevention and prophylaxis. We are the game changers and the inventors thanks to our GBT protocol, our AIRFLOW® Prophylaxis Master, our high precision PS instrument and innovative PLUS powder.
Our Values:
Our customers, employees, partners and suppliers deserve:
• Respect
• Excellence
• Customer focus
• Openness
• Passion
• Sustainability
EMS Oceania Pty Ltd
The Woolstores, Suite 3, Shed 73
4E Huntley Street
Alexandria NSW 2015
+61 1300 469 367